Gender Reveal Balloon Paint Pop Party – What Will Baby Bee?

I can’t believe it has been a year since we found out that our sweet baby Rea was going to be a girl. I was recently scrolling through photos and realized that we never shared the details of the amazing gender reveal party (it involved a gender reveal balloon filled with paint!) that my friend Kyra and friend/blog partner Katie threw for us! When I was pregnant with our first, my husband and I decided that we wanted to be surprised by the gender in the delivery room and it was one of the best decisions we ever made. The moment my husband got to announce “it’s a boy” is still one of the greatest memories I have.

BUT when it came time for number two, I knew I couldn’t wait for 9 more months to find out the gender! I knew I wanted to have the baby’s room prepared, know if the baby would be able to wear E’s hand-me-down clothes or if we needed to shop for a girl, etc. It took a little convincing to get my husband on board, but we decided it would be fun to throw a gender reveal party to share the exciting news with our friends and family. After scouring the internet for ideas my husband was actually the one who came up with our gender reveal idea - a gender reveal balloon paint pop party! I’ve only seen one other post online for this idea, so we wanted to share it with you!

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He or She What Will it Bee?!

I know this is going to sound like an oxymoron, but when I began searching Pinterest for gender reveal party themes I felt like every theme followed traditional gender stereotypes; “Touchdowns or TuTus” or “Boots or Bows.” I know the point of the party is to find out the gender of the baby, but I wanted to find a theme that wasn’t so stereotypical. We settled on “He or She? What Will Baby Bee?” We decorated in yellow and green with honeycomb decorations and served brunch food (donuts were one of my biggest cravings this pregnancy)

As far as how we wanted to do the reveal, we knew that we wanted to do something unique and we wanted to find a way to create something that would last longer than the day of the party. My husband had the idea of creating a canvas with paint-filled gender reveal balloons that we could hang in the baby’s nursery. Once he shared his suggestion I fell in love with the idea of being able to create something special for the baby in preparation of their arrival, something that could hang in his/her room for years to come.

Once we decided how we wanted to do it, we impatiently waited for our 20-week ultrasound and had the ultrasound tech write down the gender, place it in an envelope, and gave the envelope to Katie. She and our friend Kyra did the rest of the work for the reveal from there!

Supplies for the Gender Reveal Balloon:

  • Black Balloons

  • Blank Canvas

  • Acrylic Paint - Make sure you buy the colors that you want to use! This sounds obvious, but I bought a pack of latex paint for Katie and never realized it didn’t include PINK. She ended up having to mix red and white to create the pink for the reveal lol. It definitely made for a funny story after the gender reveal balloon party!

  • Funnel

  • Tape (to attach the balloons to the canvas) - We used push pins to attach the balloons to the canvas and it left small visible pin holes in the canvas so I’d recommend the tape, but definitely be careful with placement here. The tape will stick to the balloon obviously so if you try and remove it/shift it afterwards you run the risk of popping it - Katie may or may not know this from experience.

  • Steel Tip Darts

  • Easel

Assembling the Gender Reveal Balloon

Gender Reveal Balloon Pain Pop Party  - Paint Canvas After Popping Pink Filled Balloon
  1. Take a black balloon and blow a small bit of air into it (this will make it easier to fill the balloon with paint)

  2. Place the funnel into the balloon and slowly add paint to the balloon. Remove the funnel

  3. This is the tricky part - slowly and carefully add air to the balloon, blowing it up to about 3/4 full. I would NOT recommend trying to blow it up fully. It may explode and cover you in latex paint (which does stain BTW).

  4. Attach the balloons to the canvas. I suggest tape to ensure no extra holes in the canvas. Again, be very careful here with your placement. Moving it will run the risk of popping them.

  5. Once you’re ready for the reveal stand 5-10 feet away from the canvas (make sure to take into account how good you are at darts … I may have missed a few times)

  6. Aim and pop! As the gender reveal results show, you’ll also get an abstract, unique piece of art that you can hang in your baby’s nursery for years to come!

Did you do a gender reveal during your pregnancy? How did you choose to do it and were you surprised by the results?

DIY gender reveal balloon paint pop party. Vibrant balloons burst with pink or blue paint, unveiling the baby's gender. Festive decorations and excited loved ones make it a memorable celebration
DIY gender reveal balloon paint pop party. Vibrant balloons burst with pink or blue paint, unveiling the baby's gender. Festive decorations and excited loved ones make it a memorable celebration
DIY gender reveal balloon paint pop party. Vibrant balloons burst with pink or blue paint, unveiling the baby's gender. Festive decorations and excited loved ones make it a memorable celebration


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