Ultimate Hospital Bag Packing List

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Baby girl is due in the next few weeks and I am in ultimate nesting mode. We recently got her nursery completed and have begun bringing back out all of the baby equipment in preparation. Now that I feel like I have the house mostly ready, I have moved on to making sure I am prepared for delivery. With my son, I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension and had to be induced at 37 weeks, so this time around I knew for my own sanity that I would operate as if she is coming at 37 weeks and any time after that is bonus time I get to prepare.

The first time around I had no idea what I needed to pack in my hospital bag and ended up WAY over packing some things and completely forgetting other things that would have been really handy. This time around I have a better understanding of what to expect so I can be better prepared! I wanted to share with you what I will be packing this time around. Here’s my Ultimate Hospital Bag Packing List:

P.S. You can shop the items on this list by clicking their names or visiting our Amazon Idea List directly
right here

Labor Essentials

I was incredibly fortunate that my induction was a very quick one (induction started at 7 am and E was born shortly after midnight that night) but some inductions can take quite a while, so it’s important that you’re prepared!

Entertainment - Bring something that you can use to pass the time and distract yourself! These items are all small/compact and shouldn’t take up much room in your bag

Hydration - This may come as a surprise to you, but labor is HARD WORK! During my first delivery, I assumed the hospital would provide water, and they did of course, but they were small plastic cups that I finished in two gulps and I felt guilty constantly asking for refills. I suggest bringing the largest water bottle you have with a straw.

Nursing Essentials

I was very fortunate to be able to nurse my son for 12 months, it was one of the best bonding experiences and began very shortly after delivery. If you are planning to breastfeed here are the essentials I suggest you pack:

  • Breast Pump - Something I wish someone would have told me the first time around! The hospital will provide you a pump, but I highly suggest packing the pump you plan on using during your nursing journey. Let’s be honest, pumps can be confusing! The lactation consultants can help you find the perfect fit and settings, and give tips for your specific brand.

Comfort Essentials

Your body is going to go through more stress than it has probably ever experienced during labor. After the fact, the most important thing for you is to bond with your baby and recover and you’re going to want to be as comfortable as possible. Keep in mind that no one cares what you look like after labor! Not the doctors, not the nurses, not your baby so pack clothing that will make you feel comfy and cozy.

  • Bombas Gripper Slippers - these slipper socks are so cozy and offer nonslip bottoms that are perfect for the hospital
  • Robe - the easiest thing to wear for nursing! I opted for a matching option with baby :)
  • Eye Mask - Something I completely forget the first time around. You will need your rest! Hospital rooms have monitors, lights, and doctors/nurses coming in and out at all hours to monitor mama and baby throughout the night. A blackout eye mask will help block out some of the chaos and allow you to get some sleep.
  • Tucks Pads - Some hospitals will provide these, some don’t. I would rather be safe than sorry and pack my own. Whether you develop hemorrhoids while pushing, have to have an episiotomy, or tear, these are life savers!

Baby Essentials

This is where I overpacked for my son! The hospital will provide you with almost everything that you need for your little while you are there. Diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, vaseline, swaddles. All things that I thought I would need to bring for baby that the hospital had fully stocked. Don’t waste your precious baby supplies when the hospital will provide them for you. Here are the things that I brought that I ended up using:

  • Car Seat - We used this one to bring E home and we'll bring R home in it too!
  • Wooden Letter Board - you will want to take photos with babies name, birthday, height and weight etc.
  • Coming Home Outfit - Caden Lane has the softest and most photo-worthy outfits for the little one. E wore one of thier gowns home and now so will R.
  • Camera - If you have a camera that isn’t attached to your phone, I highly recommend packing it! My mom insisted we bring her Nikon Camera with us to the hospital and I’m so glad I did. There are so many little details that you will want to capture with a good-quality camera.
  • GoPro - I had no intention of recording my first delivery, but my husband insisted on bringing our GoPro and I am so grateful he did. We DID NOT record anything graphic but having a recording of my husband announcing the gender of our first child and my son’s first cries is something I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Last Minute Essentials

These are things I forgot the first time around that I made sure to throw into my bag!

  • Snacks - When you go into labor they stop you from eating any food in the off chance you may need a c-section. My son was born after midnight, I had not eaten all day and the hospital’s kitchen was closed. Talk about one HANGRY Mama. We ended up having pizza delivered to the hospital, but I won’t make that mistake this time around.
  • Battery Pack - Remember, even after baby is born you still may be in the hospital for a few days. After you have had time to bond with your baby, you will want to have your phone nearby. You’ll want to take a million pictures and update friends and family. Make sure you pack a phone charger or battery pack to keep your phone fully charged.
  • Dry Shampoo - Did I mention how tired you will be?! Dry shampoo will become one of your postpartum best friends. A perfect way to refresh without having to take the time to wash your hair.

If you’re reading this that means that you are probably getting close to your delivery. My only words of advice to you are “You’ve got this!” You are stronger than you realize and keep in mind that at the end of all of the hard work you will get to meet your sweet baby!

Did I miss anything in my bag?! Let me know what your hospital bag essentials are or if any of my suggestions came in handy!


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