Yes, You Really Need the Hatch Baby Rest Sound Machine!
One of our must have baby items is a sound machine - specifically the Hatch Rest. Emily and I both got one for our boys in 2020. When Emily had Rea in 2022, she got another and at 32 weeks pregnant (surprise!) I just ordered one for Baby #2’s nursery. 4 kids between the 2 of us and we’ve now purchased a Hatch Rest 4x which clearly shows how vital we think it is.

Best Baby Rattle - A Full NogginStik Light-Up Rattle Review
As a new Mom, buying baby toys is a hard pill to swallow. The first year of life, babies change so quickly and drastically that I knew most toys would only get used 1-2x. Sure, there are some exceptions, but this baby rattle is by far my absolute favorite baby toy.

The Best Kitchen Helper Toddler Tower for Independent Kids!
I always knew that I would want R to be involved in the kitchen and develop the same love for eating and cooking with real foods. Part of including him would be making sure that he could be at my level, literally, while I am prepping foods and making meals. Right around his first birthday I began the hunt for a kitchen tower.

Best Cups for Toddlers on the Move - Cup Comparison
My son has inherited my love of cups, more specifically he loves any cup that is MY cup. Since he has been able to talk he has requested “Mama water” even if he had his own. I think most Moms can relate to this struggle! So began my hunt to find him his own cup that he would love. During this hunt, I feel like we have tried every cup on the market.

Boppy Original v My Brest Friend - Nursing Pillow Comparison
There are many options out there when it comes to nursing pillows, so we did our research on which one would work best for us and narrowed it down to the Boppy and the My Brest Friend Pillow. Here are the things that we considered and why the My Brest Friend was the winner for us.

Ikea Antilop vs Stokke Clikk - High Chair Comparison
There are hundreds of options out there when it comes to high chairs, so we did our research on which one would work best for us and narrowed it down to the Ikea Antilop and the Stokke Clikk. Here are the things that we considered and why the Ikea Antilop High Chair was the winner for us.

SNOO vs mamaRoo Bassinet - Smart Bassinet Comparison
There are a few options currently available for smart bassinets, bassinets that rock the baby, or play white noise to help soothe baby to sleep. We did extensive research and were able to narrow it down to two options, the 4Moms mamaRoo sleep bassinet and the SNOO smart sleeper. Here are the things that we considered and why the SNOO Smart Sleeper Bassinet was the winner for us.

12 Hours Sleep by 12 Weeks Old - Sleep Training Book Review
Like most first-time parents I wanted to be as prepared as possible for E’s arrival, so I asked all of my friends who had kids what their number one sleep advice was. I received a lot of great advice, but I had three friends (Katie included) suggest the same book on sleep training so I knew I had to give it a try.

Yoto Player vs Toniebox - Audio Player Comparison
I was very pleasantly surprised when I discovered the Yoto Player and Toniebox Audio Players. I did some research on the differences between these two devices before we made our decision on which to get him. Here are the things that we considered and why the YOTO Audio Player e was the winner for us.

Dreamegg vs Hatch Rest - White Noise Machine Comparison
There are plenty of white noise machines on the market, and wading through all of the research on which is the best can be overwhelming. After doing some research we narrowed our white noise machine choices down to the Hatch Rest or the Dreamegg White Noise Machine. Here are the things that we considered and why the HATCH REST White Noise Machine was the winner for us.

Diaper Pails - Diaper Genie vs Ubbi Diaper Pail Comparison
I wanted our nursery to be a warm and inviting space and did not want to get hit in the face with the smell of dirty diapers every time I walked in. After doing some research we narrowed our diaper pail choices down to the Ubbi or the Diaper Genie. Here are the things that we considered and why the UBBI DIAPER PAIL was the winner for us

Moby Baby Wrap Carrier Review - Why We Love this Wrap!
Early on in my pregnancy I began researching different options for wearing my little one. I am constantly on the move and knew that I wanted to have an option that would keep him close to me while allowing me to be hands free.