Baby Crawling - 6 Tips to Encourage Your Baby to Crawl
If you’re here, you’re in search of tips and tricks to help your baby learn their next gross motor milestone. Whether you’re someone who likes to be prepared for the next step or you’re concerned that your little one is falling behind, I want to remind you that all babies develop at their own pace!

The Free Babylist Welcome Box - What Do You Actually Get?
When I was pregnant the first time around with R, I didn’t use Babylist and didn’t know a lot of people who had, but it seems to be a very popular option now and I’ve heard more and more about it. When I was looking for my next registry box to check out, Babylist was at the top of my list.

Say Goodbye to Nursing Neck Pain with 5 Simple Exercises
Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, every new mother knows the pain of "nursing neck". The aching/soreness of our necks, shoulders, and upper backs from the hours spent cradling our babies while we feed them.

What Actually Comes in The Free Walmart Baby Registry Box
Looking at all of the free baby registry box options, I noticed that they would frequently give a list of the kinds of items you’d get in your box. That was great, but I really wanted to see some real life examples of what actually came in those free baby registry boxes. Here is what actually came in my WALMART Baby Registry Box

What Actually Comes in The Amazon Baby Registry Welcome Box
I remember how excited I was to create my Amazon baby registry when I found out I was pregnant with R. There is something about picking out and buying your first baby items that makes you think “holy cow, this is real.” When I started going through websites that offer registry options, I noticed that many of them provide a free baby registry box.

Down on MI Farm with Michigan Ag Council
I was lucky enough to recently attend the Down on MI Farm Dinner presented by the Michigan Soybean Committee at the beautiful Ankley Family Farm in Imlay City, MI. During this event, I was able to sample locally distilled spirits, create a gorgeous fresh-cut bouquet from the Ankley U-Pick Flower Field, learn from experts about Michigan Agriculture

Age Appropriate Household Chores for Toddlers
There are so many wonderful benefits to having kids help out around the house! Performing chores can help kids feel important, teach personal responsibility, build life skills, and work on fine and gross motor skills. Here are some of the chores our boys help out around the house

Splash Pads in Southwest Michigan
It might be August, but there is still plenty of Summer left. With the warm weather, we love to make sure our boys can stay cool and what better way to do that than visiting a local splash pad? A splash pad water park is a great place for sensory play, cooling off and making new friends for kids and parents alike.

12 Hours Sleep by 12 Weeks Old - Sleep Training Book Review
Like most first-time parents I wanted to be as prepared as possible for E’s arrival, so I asked all of my friends who had kids what their number one sleep advice was. I received a lot of great advice, but I had three friends (Katie included) suggest the same book on sleep training so I knew I had to give it a try.

Surviving the Summer with your Baby in a Helmet
If you’re here, I think it’s safe to assume that your little one, or a little one that you love, has been diagnosed with torticollis (aka tight neck muscles) and plagiocephaly (aka a flat spot on their head) and you’ve probably gotten a referral for a baby helmet for the flat spot or to help while strengthening those muscles. Let me start off by saying, everything is going to be okay!

Camping with a Baby
With the truck loaded down, we headed out for our first camping trip as a family of three, and even though Eli was cutting his first two teeth, our trip went off without a hitch. We were able to camp for two nights in Empire, Michigan, hike Pyramid Point and check out a few local breweries and wineries. This was our first camping trip and we were already planning our next one on the drive home.

Making Tummy Time Fun – Gross Motor/Vestibular Activity
Tummy Time! I feel like for so many Mom’s this term can be triggering. Is my little one doing enough tummy time? My baby hates tummy time, do I really have to do this? I know these thoughts have crossed most mom’s minds.

Benefits of Playing On Vertical Surfaces
Most kids (and adults!) these days are stuck in a pattern of constantly looking down. They play with their toys on the floor, work on school work on their desks, color at the table, or watch videos on an iPad or other device. Encouraging your child to play on vertical surfaces in an easy and quick adjustment to make and offers many benefits:

Baby Balance - Improving Your Little One's Balance Through Play
So your baby is walking, now what?! As Eli got closer and closer to his first birthday and began to progress from crawling to standing independently I heard so many times “everyone wants their baby to walk, until they start to walk.” As a first-time Mom I would roll my eyes and shake my head. Of course, I knew it would be an added challenge and a change to our daily routine, but I couldn’t wait for this next big step in E’s journey.